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Sunday, September 26, 2010

Love is Dead

One of the staples of 90s punk albums is an element of humor, and the Mr. T Experience follows that trend. Dumb Little Band is a catchy tune that compares their career to that of their friends. The thing that fascinates me about this album is how much better than their other releases. That is not to say that the others are bad, but these songs are the perfect blend of speed, melody, and edge. Deep Deep Down is the tenth track, and is beautiful lyrically even though I'm still not sure what it is about other than a death, and right after the guys crank the tempo and feeling by hitting their audience with Can I Do The Thing?
I almost get the feeling that Blink 182 was inspired by this album because I think a fair description of the Mr. T Experience is that they are the rich man's Blink 182. (I base that off a ratio of rariety, and song to grounded reference ratio.

1 comment:

  1. my my you've been busy this weekend. I'll have to check out Mr. T, although i've never been listening to Blink and thought to myself, oh my i can do better than this... we'll see.
