The Smuggler’s “Selling the Sizzle” is anything but mere sizzle. This album is a great light trash, sorta rockabilly, skate album that really has that old Mint Records sound that Gob had when they released “Too Late, No Friends”, and something that sounds like the songs they played on Hannah Barbara cartoons - “ I know a little town called bedrock, twitch-twitch.
“Bishy-Bishy” is one of the thrashier tunes, and could be the best on the album it is fast, catchy, and “Bishy-Bishy” is followed by “Big Trouble”. The album keeps pumpin’ out great tunes. This is definitely an album that you can listen to song for song, and not lose interest until you finish the fifteenth track. Stay away from sixteen, it is a hidden track, and although I haven’t listened through it seems like something I already heard Another Joe do at the end of “Ass Seen On TV.”
One of the best surprises is “The Dedication” a song that is basically a bunch of dedications, but it reminded me of the Beatles’ “Birthday Song” in that it is a weird, basic premise song, but it works when surrounded by great tunes - by the way it is sung, not spoken in some weird art style.
“Selling the Sizzle” reminds me of what made me fall in love with skate punk - fast rifts, and great lyrics that are funny, but actually have some real content behind them.
Oh Yeah, if you like supporting anything Canadian these guys are a Vancouver gem that you are depraving yourself of if you don’t check them out.
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