I wouldn’t call this album punk, but it is close enough, and I still maintain that Nirvana was a punk band, so just wait till I do my “Insecticide” flashback. Best Nirvana album by far . “New Wave Polly”, but I digress. The first and self-titled Foo Fighter album is a great mix of music that reminds me of Propagandhi in the way they can go from a hard rockin’ song to a softer more melodic tune. The first two tracks “This is a Call”, and “I’ll Stick Around” are great tunes, that when played live insight some of the nuttiest pits I have seen. “Big Me” slows it down a little, and if you don’t like the song I bet you were won over by the video. The rest of the tunes have a laid back hardness that blows my mind. This album is one for every season, every emotion you could be feeling - seriously.
Track 10 - “X-Static is a buried gem that makes this a rare major label album that you can listen to track to track until it is over.
Too bad “There is Nothing Left Lose” ever happened. For those harder rockin’ Footos fans - is “Stack Dead Actors” not the best song they have written, but on one of the most disappointing albums. I rushed to buy this disk after I heard that. Thank God that tune is worth the price of the disk.
I'm a big Foo Fighters guy Mattio. Gotta say "There Is Nothing Left To Lose" went real commercial after, in my opinion, THE best rock album of the 90's - "The Colour and the Shape". That album still blows me away today.